Hello, VA! Welcome to the first post in my long running series featuring my favorite Vocaloid originals. I’m covering Miku first because she’s the most popular, but I plan to do Rin, Len, and a bunch others, as well as a separate series for covers. For each entry, I will include the producer of the song and why I like it, as well as give a general synopsis of what it’s about. I have a wide range of genres that I like, so this will be a very varied list. Also, I’m certain producers will most definitely appear more than once. With that out of the way, let’s begin.
Background is Official Hatsune Miku V4x Design
#10: I Am a Broken Umbrella (Produced by Nem)
I am a broken umbrella (English Sub)~ Hatsune Miku
This song is so pretty. For those who don’t know, it’s about how Miku just wants to help and protect someone, but is unable to and loses said someone. It’s really sad, but I heard it only a few times before I started liking it. I think I like it because it’s pretty and I genuinely feel bad for Miku when I hear it. It’s quite jarring to know a song like this is from Nem, who’s known for upbeat-sounding Len songs, but this little Miku Dark ballad is a unique change of pace and really beautiful too.
#9: Andromeda Andromeda (produced by NayutalieN)
Nayutanalien ft. 初音ミク "Andromeda, Andromeda" アンドロメダアンドロメダ (English Subtitles)
I didn’t even know this song existed a year ago, but now I kinda love it. I’m not quite sure what it’s about, so if anybody can give me a synopsis in the comments, then please do. I imagine it’s about aliens or space, though, because that’s kinda what this producer is known for. Anyway, this song is generally catchy and the chorus is especially catchy and gets in my head a lot. Plus the instrumental sounds incredible. Definitely deserving of this spot on my list.
#8: SpiCa (produced by Toku- P and kentax)
SPiCa -39s Giving Day Edition- Compilation Hatsune Miku 初音ミク
This song basically depicts Miku as a beautiful star watching and loving us from her home in the sky. This is actually a fairly new favorite of mine. I didn’t think much of it back in F2nd, but since then, it’s been included in other games too and I’m playing it a lot. There’s just something about it that’s really pretty and I’m not sure why I had such a drastic opinion change with this song. I used to think it was just okay. But now, I sort of adore it. It’s a beautiful song.
#7: Kimagure Mercy (produced by Hachioji-P)
八王子P 「気まぐれメルシィ feat. 初音ミク」(6/15発売Best AL「Eight」収録)
The story of Miku, a girl who is sick of dealing with a shallow man. This song just makes me wanna dance, even though I can’t dance to save my life. I dunno. There’s just something about it that makes me excited. Definitely a favorite song for Miku.
#6: Tsumiki no Ningyo (by wowaka)
wowaka 『積み木の人形』feat. 初音ミク / wowaka - Tsumiki no Ningyou (Official Video) ft. Hatsune Miku
RIP the legend. This is actually my favorite wowaka song. If anybody happens to know what it’s about, please let me know, because I can’t find a good translation. I almost put Unhappy Refrain here, but I like this song slightly more and I knew exactly what other songs I was going to use for this list and had no room. Consider Unhappy Refrain an honorable mention.
Anyway, this song is so catchy. It’s got that distinct wowaka sound, but it also sounds a bit different than his other songs too. I’m not sure how to describe it. But definitely deserving of this spot on the list.
#5: Teo (produced by Omoi and Sakurai)
Teo - Hatsune Miku【Project DIVA MEGA39's】
A catchy modern classic, this song had me screaming Teo far before its Project Diva debut on the Switch. If anybody knows what it’s about, then please tell me. Because it’s so catchy. I discovered it while I was binging Vocaloid concert videos and now I love it. A lot. Some people think Miku sounds too shrill, but I don’t. I like it. I think she sounds just right. Omoi and Sakurai did a very good job on this song.
#4: Hibana (produced by DECO*27)
【PDFT Mega39's】Hibana - DECO*27
English name: Spark. This is a catchy tune from DECO*27 that I just clicked on one day and slowly started loving. Although Project Diva contributed to it being this high. I almost put Ghost Rule, but again, I had no room. There’s another honorable mention.
Fun fact: The entire second part of the second verse is in English and I couldn’t hear it until I saw the lyrics and now I realize just how clear it is. Good job, Deco*27.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna sing that chorus again…
#3: Kocchi Muite Baby (produced by Ryo)
[60fps Full] こっち向いてBaby (Look This Way, Baby) - Hatsune Miku 初音ミク Project DIVA English Romaji PDA FT
English name: Look This Way, Baby! Miku just wants your attention! And she sure grabbed my attention when this song was released as F2nd DLC. Suddenly, I was singing this like an idiot and playing it nonstop and I didn’t even care because it was so catchy then and it still is now. This song is catchy, sassy, and awesome and I love it.
#2: The MMORPG’S Addict’s Anthem (produced by Satsuki ga Tenkomori)
[60fps Full風] Online Game Addicts Sprechchor ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール - Hatsune Miku 初音ミク DIVA English Romaji
I think we’re all guilty of being addicted to at least one video game. I certainly am and Miku is too. I love this song so much. It’s a classic I discovered from the good old F days and I still love it. It pains me so much to put it at number two, because it was number one for so long because it’s just so cute and catchy. But since then, one song has stepped it and took the golden crown from this arguably perfect song…
#1: Alien Alien (produced by NayutalieN)
【MEGA39's】Alien Alien 初音ミク English subtitles Project DIVA
Miku is an Alien from space come to steal your heart! Well, she certainly stole mine. And yes. This producer made the list twice. That’s how awesome I think this producer’s songs are.
It was a fateful day a couple years ago when I discovered this song. I thought nothing of it at first. But then I kept listening. And listening. And I couldn’t stop. The chorus was catchy. I had no idea she was even saying the word alien at all. It just sounded great. Then I learned the lyrics. I started singing this song like an idiot whenever it came on. And it slowly became my number one favorite Miku song, somehow overtaking my number two, which was my favorite for years. Now, I can’t stop. It’s in Project Diva now and I play it way too much and I made an entire shirt based on it. Never in my life have I ever been more obsessed with a song. Which is why it’s number one here.
So that’s my list for Miku. Miku solo originals anyway. There will be separate lists for duets and stuff, in case you were wondering and I will bring out solo lists for a bunch of other Vocaloids too. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna sing the chorus of Alien Alien for the millionth time in a row.
Alien! I’m an alien!